proportional representation

美 [prəˌpɔːrʃənl reprɪzenˈteɪʃn]英 [prəˌpɔːʃənl reprɪzenˈteɪʃn]
  • n.比例代表制(按参选各党派的得票比例分配席位)
proportional representationproportional representation


a system that gives each party in an election a number of seats in relation to the number of votes its candidates receive

compare first-past-the-post

proportional representation


  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 比例代表制
    Proportional representation is a system of voting in which each political party is represented in a parliament or legislature in proportion to the number of people who vote for it in an election.


representation of all parties in proportion to their popular vote


  1. I wouldn 't be sorry to see proportional representation and I think it 's a thing which will gradually come in .


  2. The system of proportional representation has led to the minority parties continually holding the balance of power in the parliament .


  3. Quentin : Well a proportional representation system would solve that problem .


  4. Their system seems to combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation .


  5. Proportional Representation : Choices in Contemporary Gender Equality in Political Participation in China


  6. Either way , we are going to end up with some version of proportional representation .


  7. Proportional Representation 's Technical Arrangements and Their Political Consequences


  8. The future of the party is inseparable from the issue of proportional representation .


  9. Germany 's federal structure and proportional representation make it hard for any party to win an election outright .


  10. It is not , however , a form of proportional representation , and can sometimes be less proportional than the current system .


  11. Systems of proportional representation , for example , aim to ensure fair representation of all parties and views no matter how numerous .


  12. The members are elected from the19 counties for4-year terms according to a system of proportional representation .


  13. Two-thirds of the assembly will be seated through proportional representation and the complex calculation for those slots could take several weeks .


  14. The houses of parliament are popularly and directly elected by a mixed majoritarian and proportional representation system .


  15. First-Past-the-Post with Proportional Representation System and Party Politics in Japan ; The scale is an inch to a mile .


  16. It is elected by universal suffrage according to a system of proportional representation to multi-member constituencies .


  17. In power 's winning , Majority representation is often used in the two-party countries , while proportional representation is used in the multi-party countries .


  18. Unlike proportional representation which is easy to grasp the electoral impact is neither immediately apparent to voters nor readily explicable .


  19. Members are elected by universal ( adult ) suffrage on the basis of a modified proportional representation system by district to a six-year term .


  20. Fill ( up ) a vacancy by election The List Voting System operating under the Largest Remainder formula , which is a form of proportional representation voting , is adopted .


  21. The legislature comprises a61-member appointed Senate and a123-member lower house , the National Assembly , elected under proportional representation by popular vote for5 year terms .


  22. Despite Yingluck 's high-profile candidacy , all major parties in the election , including her own , largely ignored constitutional guidelines calling for proportional representation of female candidates .


  23. The46 members of the Council of States are directly elected in each canton , whereas the200 members of the National Council are elected directly under a system of proportional representation .


  24. It maintains that continues keeping the cooperation with the Labor Party , It promotes the Labor party to implement the proportional representation in the local election and the House of Common , adopts progressive policy in public service , social fairness , environment protection issue .


  25. According to press leaks , 80 % of its members would be elected by a form of proportional representation ( PR ) - ie , a system in which a party that polls a fifth of the votes wins roughly a fifth of the seats - for single terms of 15 years .
